E-Scooter Injury Caused by Malfunction
Many people consulting with the attorneys at E‑ScooterLaw.Com are E‑scooter riders who have been injured in accidents caused by a malfunction with the scooter.
When this happens, most riders are thrown from the scooter and can be seriously injured. Often times, the scooter will have failed to stop, accelerated too quickly, physically broke, or some other malfunction occurred. Many of these accidents are outside the control of the rider. In fact, the rider probably attempted to do everything possible he or she could to avoid the accident.
These accidents can have significant physical and financial cost. Traumatic head injuries, broken bones, long term consequences, and even death can occur in accidents caused by E-scooter malfunctions.
Most people believe that the E-scooter companies are too powerful and intimidating to take on. This is not correct. In fact, laws in many states and jurisdictions, combined with the way the scooter companies operate, may make it just the opposite.
First of all, scooters are susceptible to constant and significant malfunction based on the way they are stored and rented. They are often left for days in the street to be rained on, walked on, run over, and misused. They quickly and often fall into serious states of disrepair and, as a result, fail to properly function. If you look around, you might even see "Frankenstein" scooters; scooters that have been assembled with different parts that don't match like they originally did.
Many state laws hold E-scooter companies responsible for injuries caused by these vehicles. Third-party repair companies can also be held responsible. This is important because E‑scooter companies often use third parties to repair their vehicles. That's right, it’s a side gig for people to repair scooters at night as a second or third job.
These third parties are lightly trained if trained at all. There is no way to ensure that they used proper equipment or successfully made all of the appropriate repairs in order for the vehicle to be used again. E-scooter companies are responsible for the actions of these third party contractors.
The attorneys at E‑ScooterLaw.Com have experience in handling these types of cases and understand how to successfully enhance the value of a case for individuals who are injured because of a E-scooter malfunction.
If you have been injured in such an accident, please contact us so that we can help you make your claim as quickly as possible. Try to maintain any evidence as well. Proving a malfunction of a scooter can be difficult. But the process can be aided through the software that the E-scooter companies maintain. Make sure to keep the scooter somewhere safe and unaffected by the weather as potential evidence. If you're unable to do so, preserve the scene of the accident and scooter itself by taking as many photographs as possible.
Contact us today to get your free case evaluation.
2300 Henderson Mill Road NE STE. 300 Atlanta, GA 30345
Monday - Friday | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.